
Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Visual art philosophy

The aims of Visual Art at Suncoast is to enable students to develop their creative personality based on an understanding and acceptance of themselves as a unique individual created in the image of God.  The role of the teacher and student is to then develop their skills and gifts to reflect God’s nature to their utmost capabilities. We seek to present the Christian faith not as a separate subject area isolated from the art experience, but as an integral part of the creative activity of God. Art grows from the expectation that this world as we see it does not define the limits of reality, and students can effect change in the world through creative expression and problem-solving.

God is the Creator and we are made in His image, we are creative people, capable of appreciating and using a wide range of creative expressions and thus the arts have intrinsic meaning. The Arts are bound up with our living and are a constant source of appreciation, enjoyment, challenge or stimulation. The arts are an essential ingredient of our daily experience.

Art that is admirable depicts truth whether that is beautiful or ugly, comfortable or challenging. An authentic expression of truth can either highlight the need for God through an absence of Him, or in the glorification of His sovereignty over life itself.

Visual Arts – Teacher

Bindi Brien, our head of Visual Arts is fostering an inspiring and daring visual culture at 澳门六合历史开奖.

Visual Arts Teacher with pain brush at 澳门六合历史开奖

Visual Arts – Video Showcase

Browse video titles to discover the Visual Arts culture at 澳门六合历史开奖


Our visual art stories

Arts on Twilight
Nov, 27/11/2018
Esther The Musical
May, 24/05/2017
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