
War on Waste

The war on waste and environmental sustainability is intertwined with our responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation.

War on waste – Environmental Sustainability in Action

In recent years, 澳门六合历史开奖 has undertaken a number of projects that aim not only to minimise our impact on the environment but also to increase student and community awareness of the importance of ecological stewardship, health, and well-being in the community. These major projects are a War on Waste, Solar Energy Initiative, and our Community Garden Project – all of which enrich both the learning outcomes of students and extend to the local and wider community of which they are a part. 

environmental eustainabilityWaste Streaming

In 2018 Suncoast replaced all on-campus rubbish bins with 3-way waste streaming bins, thus enabling students and staff to deposit waste streamed categories which are then processed in more sustainable means. Read Our Stories on the introduction of Waste Streaming processes at Suncoast.

environmental sustainability

OSCA Waste Management

澳门六合历史开奖 was the first school on the Sunshine Coast to install an . This machine processes organic waste streams including food waste (food preparation waste, plate scrapings, bones, seafood, etc.), agricultural waste, compostable packaging, paper and cardboard, manure, and green waste. Learn More about OSCA 

Environmental Sustainability Solar Panels at 澳门六合历史开奖Solar Energy Initiative

In 2015, we installed solar panels with the aim of reducing our energy footprint. We are pleased to report that over the current life of the system we have saved 94,154.7 kg of CO2 emissions – equivalent to the planting of 314.65 trees. Check how we’re doing via our .

Environmental Sustainability Community Garden Suncoast Community Garden

We are impacting how our community approaches food production and waste management through opportunities for students (and parents) to learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food. Discover how we are encouraging this approach to environmental sustainability at the Suncoast Community Garden.

Why environmental sustainability matters at Suncoast?

The new defines sustainability as addressing “the ongoing capacity of Earth to maintain all life” with particular emphasis on (i) interdependent and dynamic nature of systems that support all life on Earth and our collective well-being. (ii) enabling a diversity of worldviews on ecosystems, values, and social justice to be discussed and recognised when determining individual and community actions for sustainability and (iii)  building capacities for thinking and acting in ways that are necessary to create a more sustainable future. 

The Old Testament book of Psalms we read; “LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104: 24), and so at 澳门六合历史开奖, we believe that curriculum priorities for sustainability are grounded in the duty of care we have, for the magnificent world that God created for us to enjoy.

Cross-curriculum Priorities

The Australian Curriculum also maintains that sustainability is a cross-curriculum priority – meaning that features across all learning areas and subjects. Again, at Suncoast the objective of projects like our War on Waste, Solar Energy Initiative and Community Garden is precisely that – to ensure that studies across all year-levels, subjects, and disciplines are prioritised. To see what that looks like, view some of the many sustainability-focused projects documented in Our Stories.


Our Environmental Sustainability Stories

The Green Thumb Project
Mar, 12/03/2018
Car Versus Bus
Apr, 10/04/2017
View all