
Principal鈥檚 Welcome

Welcome to 澳门六合历史开奖

From humble beginnings in 1979, when the school began in a converted pineapple packing shed, 澳门六合历史开奖 has grown into a vibrant, dynamic and authentic Christian community which still holds the strong sense of mission and passion upon which it was founded.

Established to support families by educating children in a Christian environment where the values of the school are aligned with the home, today the College offers a high-quality education which still gives priority to the development of Christian faith, character and values. We aim to raise up future generations of young people who will influence our society and the world for the better.

At Suncoast, our overriding school culture is one of care and nurture and our style is decidedly contemporary. While we think it is important to do hard things and to be challenged, it is also important to us that students enjoy the journey and find their learning fun and interesting.

At Suncoast, our mission is to see our students grow in their faith, character, and learning. No matter their starting point, we welcome them and celebrate most the distance travelled in their journeys.

We want to see their faith grow out of the deep conviction that God loves and forgives them without condition, the knowledge of which has the power to transform the way they see themselves and others.

We also aspire to grow their character, because this will make a profound difference to the way they approach life, face challenges and conduct their work and personal relationships.

And because all children have different strengths, gifts, and abilities, it is our desire to see each one of them grow in their learning and to achieve their best. However, the measures of their success will be as unique and individual as they are.

We think our young people are remarkable and that our peer groups are amongst the very best. Whenever we send them out into the community the feedback is overwhelmingly positive and our students stand apart because of who they are.

Welcome to our school.

Greg Mattiske

Anzac Day 2018 - Nambour

Social Responsibilities

At Suncoast, we are intentional about instilling our students with a strong sense of other. Driven by our Christian values and ethics, we strive to help them view the world with compassion, to act with respect towards all people and to accept that they have responsibilities as members of our community. In our school, social responsibility covers everything from taking the trouble to stream our lunchtime waste, to putting others first and being tolerant of different perspectives and points of view. Importantly, it also includes looking out for our peers and sorting out our differences in respectful, positive ways. We all share an obligation to act for the benefit of our society, and we also still happen to believe those good old-fashioned virtues are beneficial to all relationships.

Thailand Mission Suncoast

Serving Local & Global Communities

We believe serving others is at the heart of our faith and pivotal in the development of a balanced and healthy self-esteem. Serving others is who we are at Suncoast; there are so many opportunities for Primary and Secondary students to serve, including peer support programs, backyard blitz projects and volunteering at or the College Garden. Seniors can join mission teams to provide English programs to children in Thailand or get on the tools to help out farming communities in Outback Queensland.

Digitally Literate Students

Our graduates need to know how to learn, adapt and innovate in order to thrive in a world increasingly shaped by the forces of globalisation and technology. This is why at Suncoast we ensure students from Prep to Year 9 are put through rigorous and progressive digital technologies and robotics programs. These classes feature a range of brilliant technologies and stimulating challenges to create powerful and memorable learning experiences so that students acquire a skill set that has great relevance to their futures.