
Primary at SUNCOAST

Primary School students at Suncoast are blessed with a team of dedicated Christian teachers, who are committed to fostering your child’s academic potential and their character. We provide flexible and collaborative learning spaces and inquiry-based teaching that equips students students for a future world where creativity, communication and critical thinking skills are essential.

Primary School at Suncoast

Your child benefits from a team of dedicated Christian teachers who believe in developing your child’s academic potential and character with high-quality pastoral care and attention given to the wellbeing of every student.

In Primary we focus on the establishment of strong literacy and numeracy skills, development of effective social skills and a love for learning. The Primary years at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½± include a specialist Prep Centre, Junior Primary (Years 1 – 3) classes and Upper Primary (Years 4 – 6) classes.

We understand that your child is unique and at Suncoast you will find our goal is the same as yours, to prepare your child for their future.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Our e-learning strategy enables our students to access to up-to-date technology in the classroom to enhance their learning, with a strong emphasis on embedding STEM into learning activities and outcomes. Classes have access to banks of notebook computers, interactive whiteboards and iPads, robotics and drone technology as well as collaboration and communication software. Internet access is safely monitored and restricted.

Primary School Tours

If you would you like to experience the dynamic 21st Century learning environment at Suncoast then Book a Tour with our Enrolments Office

Innovative classrooms at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½± - Primary


Classes are filling fast so we encourage new parents to please contact our Enrolment Officer, Janelle Appo on 5451 3600 or via [email protected].

To learn more, to book a tour or to commence an enrolment application, visit our Enrolments Page.

Suncoast Primary Gallery

Video Showcase – Suncoast Primary


Focus Areas for Primary School at Suncoast

Suncoast Prep

Where every day is an adventure

Prep at Suncoast is an engaging play-based, hands-on program with learning embedded through exploration, experimentation and child-centred investigations. With a focus on social and emotional wellbeing, children develop skills in early literacy and numeracy and a positive attitude to learning.

Suncoast has a purpose-built Prep Centre, incorporating interactive whiteboard learning technology, spacious child-height multi-purpose kitchen, and an exclusive outdoor learning area. In a word, Prep is FUN!


Junior Primary Suncoast Ice Cream

Junior Primary

A safe, supportive environment where children flourish

In these critical foundation years, we focus on the establishment of a strong literacy and numeracy base, development of effective social skills and a love of learning. Students are nurtured within their own precinct which provides a safe, supportive environment in which to learn and flourish.

Students also engage in a range of experiences in our specialist performing arts lessons, a tailored physical education program, instruction in languages other than English, visual arts and media, Chapel and design technologies. Junior Primary is an excellent foundation and launch pad for all future learning.

The importance of Early Years education is reflected in Junior Primary where students are nurtured within their own precinct and provided with a safe, supportive environment in which to learn and flourish.   Our students develop effective social skills and gain confidence through performing art lessons, a specialist physical education program, literature enrichment in a purpose-built area of the library and contemporary IT resources.

Upper Primary Classroom at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½±

Upper Primary

A rich, immersive future-focused curriculum

In Upper Primary we provide a balanced curriculum that is enhanced by co-curricular programs for students as they continue on their educational journey.

Building on academic and social skills learned in Junior Primary, our students further develop their literacy and numeracy skills, participate in fun and engaging physical activities, express themselves through the performing arts and become equipped with practical, hands-on IT skills. Students are immersed in a leadership development program to grow their and learn to lead by example to younger students.


Extending Primary Curriculum

Robot and Laptop with Suncoast Upper Primary Student

Information Learning Technology

Our ILT strategy enables our students access to up-to-date technology in the classroom to enhance their learning.  Classes have access to banks of notebook computers, interactive whiteboards, digital cameras, as well as collaboration and communication software. Internet access is safely monitored and restricted.

Primary School students from °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½± at AFL Football match

Sport and Physical Education

A commitment to health and fitness is important at Suncoast. Fun and engaging physical programs commence from the Prep year with a Prep perceptual motor program, through to Upper Primary program. Students participate in swimming lessons in Terms 1 and 4.

Primary School students studying at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½±

Student Learning Support

At °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½± primary school we are known for our quality student support programs. In providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for children, we have a team of people dedicated to early intervention, effective remediation, individualised programs and enrichment to help every child achieve learning success.

Suncoast Primary student wrapping winter woolly gifts for the homeless

Pastoral Care

With a dedicated Primary Chaplain, students are supported on an individual basis as well as benefitting from group programs that support students in the areas of friendship and social interactions, family life, crisis situations and leadership. Our Chaplain partners with teachers, parents and other members of the College community to achieve positive outcomes.

Singer Guitar Student at Suncoast

Performing Arts

A love for the performing arts is encouraged at Suncoast. Students are regularly given the opportunity to perform at Chapels, Assemblies and special events such as Spotlight, Easter Celebration and end of year celebrations. Upper and Junior Primary Choirs, Dance, Chapel Band as well as a College Band provide a world of performing opportunities. Many Primary students also choose to participate in the Voice and Instrumental program (SunArts) offered at the College.

Art Class - Student doing life drawing at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½± - Primary

Visual Arts

Primary students at Suncoast enjoy weekly specialist Visual Art lessons. Classes are located Primary’s dedicated art classroom in the high school within our Campus.

After School Hours Care Playground at Suncoast

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏÀúÊ·¿ª½± offers after-school care and vacation care services. Click here to find out more.

Chess Player at Suncoast Primary


Across Primary, we offer a multitude of engaging lunch time and extra-curricular activities for students across diverse artistic, sporting and academic areas. Free Lunch time Clubs are as diverse as Zumba, Debating, Chess Masters, Journalism, Choir, Soccer, Student Council, Dance, Italian, Lego, Beading, Chapel Band, Computer, Sustainability and Skipping.

Horse riding at Camp - Year Suncoast


Upper Primary students in Years 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to participate in a camp program aimed at self-discovery, personal development and leadership. Each camp is purposefully designed around specific aims and outcomes. The program culminates with a Year 6 National Capital tour.

Benvenuti a 2019!
Feb, 05/02/2019
First Lego League Champions
Nov, 19/11/2018
Strength & Shine
Nov, 28/11/2018
Drone Space Odessy
Feb, 27/02/2018
View all
  • "Suncoast Primary students develop a love for learning as they seek and discover the unique person God has created them to be. Flourishing in a supportive and nurturing environment, our students develop confidence and a foundation belief in themselves and in others."

    Melanie Mitchell
    Head of Primary