
Innovation & Enterprise

Innovation & Enterprise at Suncoast

In 21st century Australia, astonishing technological change is disrupting the way we live and work. With this disruption comes a degree of complexity. With greater complexity, we are forced to be even more innovative and enterprising to make our lives simpler yet more productive and exhilarating. So at 澳门六合历史开奖, we have a key goal – to foster innovation and enterprise in our students – so they can thrive in a future economy with increasing demands for; dreamers, creatives, coders, economists, and entrepreneurs.

Why innovation and enterprise?

Innovation is important to every sector of the economy – from IT to education, healthcare to transport, and defense to agriculture. Innovation keeps us competitive and it keeps the Australian economy at the cutting edge. It creates jobs and it will keep our standard of living high.

Discover innovation and enterprise opportunities

Innovation Enterprise student at 澳门六合历史开奖

Business & Economics

Business and economics subjects and opportunities for Suncoast students from Years 7 to 12.

Innovation and Enterprise - Drone Technology class at 澳门六合历史开奖

Digital Technologies

Digital technologies subjects and opportunities for Suncoast students from Prep to Year 12.

Design Technologies at 澳门六合历史开奖

Design Technologies

Design technologies subjects and opportunities for Suncoast students from Years 7 to 12.


Innovation and Enterprise and Suncoast Curriculum

Student opportunities

Within  Innovation and Business at Suncoast, secondary students focus on generating and producing designed solutions for authentic needs and opportunities. They are provided opportunities to analyse problems and design, implement and evaluate a range of digital solutions, such as defining and decomposing real-world problems.

Within the scope of innovation enterprise, our goal is to help students become beacons of enterprising solutions for present and future needs. Students utilise creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with increasing confidence, independence, and collaboration.